Consequences of the frost of april 2017


As it was already widely collected in the media, the areas of Rioja Alta and Rioja Alavesa were hit hard at the end of April with the worst freeze in decades. Bodega Akutain, with its 4 vineyards located in the heart of Rioja Alta, has not been oblivious to the event, as they have been strongly affected.

The amount of grapes that we estimate to harvest in the next harvest will be reduced considerably compared to previous years. In any case, we have been lucky since not all our vineyards have been affected. We have also carried out the necessary work so that the quality of the grape doesn’t suffer, neither this year, nor in successive years. This situation will force us to reduce our wine production in this harvest of 2017 (and we will probably have to pause until 2018 the production of some of the wines in our range, since the vineyard from which we obtain the grapes for our “Akutain Cosecha” has been one of the most affected by the frost).

All this is just a sign that in Bodega Akutain we always work to guarantee the quality of our wines, since they only come onto the market when they meet our standards. In any case, there is still a very important part of the season to come and many things can happen…