Bodega Akutain-2023 harvest
After one of the hardest season we remember, after the winter where we had the possibility to recover some energies, and after a hectic start of the year (travelling to meet distributors in different key markets and a huge commercial sctivity)…

Bodega Akutain-2022 Harvest
With some delay after a rather busy end of the year, we continue with our habit of sharing on our website the notes that we internally collect about the developement of the year and the harvest. We are pleased to present our feelings corresponding…

Bodega Akutain 2021 Harvest
Continuing with our tradition started a couple of years ago of sharing on our website the notes that we internally collect about the developement of the year and the harvest, we are pleased to present those corresponding to the 2021 campaign…

A hardworking visionary has left us…
It is with great sorrow that we are writing this note in Bodega Akutain, in order to inform all our friends in the wine community about the decease of our founder (and father) Juan José Peñagaricano Akutain last 22nd April 2021 at the age…

Bodega Akutain 2020 harvest
We usually like to collect internally a small summary of how the year and the harvest have developed in each vintage, in order to be able to check back when we are making, aging and later tasting our wines. We believe that this can be interesting…

Nature does not wait …
We took these photos a couple of days ago in our Gembres vineyard, while checking with the expert of our agricultural insurance the damages caused by the hail storm that hit the Haro - Sajazarra area on May 9, 2020.
Hail storms are a lottery…

Harvest 2018
Second day of grape harvesting in our "Garnacha" vineyard next to Bodega Akutain's winery, a grape that we blend with our main grape variety "Tempranillo" (over 95%) in our barrel aged wines. Delighted to see and touch the fruit of the year's…

Silver medal for our “Akutain Crianza 2014” in Decanter 2018
Bodega Akutain has received a silver medal in Decanter 2018 for its "Akutain Crianza 2014" wine belonging to its Akutain Classic range.
We are very happy with the achievement of this medal, since only 26 crianzas in the Rioja region have…

Bodega Akutain in Prowein 2018
Bodega Akutain was present one more year during Prowein 2018, with very positive results.
We had the opportunity to greet part of our network of distributors in export and we were also able to establish very interesting new contacts in order…

Consequences of the frost of april 2017
As it was already widely collected in the media, the areas of Rioja Alta and Rioja Alavesa were hit hard at the end of April with the worst freeze in decades. Bodega Akutain, with its 4 vineyards located in the heart of Rioja Alta, has not been…